Framingham has done enough Sunday, August 7, 2005
William J. LaBarge & Paula Correia Metrowest Daily News
"Anger's not the answer to problem," as stated in the July 30 edition of the MetroWest Daily News.  Neither is the arrogance on the part of the social service organizational leadership that has begotten the anger we currently harbor.

Within one mile of our homes there are several social service operations servicing hundreds of clients, if not thousands of them.  Can any of our state legislators or decision makers make such a claim?

The Framingham's Board of Selectmen invited these organizations to attend the meeting on July 12.  The Salvation Army showed up.  Where were SMOC and the other organizations?

Framingham has the lion's share of these operations for the greater MetroWest area.  Whenever such organization acquire properties here it comes off the tax role, thus the rest of the Framingham taxpayers have to pick up the tab.  What is worse,such operations become the kind of neighbors that most other neighborhoods don't want.

Wayside Project wants to build a residence for troubled youths in a highly congested area.  SMOC wants to convert a nursing home into a residence for recovering drug addicts.  Are you willing to accept such a residence in your neighborhoods? Why or why not?

The decision makers need to start locating future operations in the surrounding communities so they can service the poor, indigents, the drug addicts that come from such surrounding communities.  Framingham has enough of such social service operations.

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